


xFIP在【Xavier棒球教室】投手進階數據篇(一): FIP、xFIP - 運動視界的討論與評價

FIP、xFIP:. 要介紹FIP前,我們得先提防禦率這個最基本、也是最常見的投手數據。既然有人發明進 ...

xFIP在Expected Fielding Independent Pitching (xFIP) - MLB.com的討論與評價

xFIP finds a pitcher's FIP, but it uses projected home-run rate instead of actual home runs allowed. The home run rate is determined by that season's league ...

xFIP在xFIP | Sabermetrics Library的討論與評價

Expected Fielding Independent Pitching (xFIP) is a regressed version of Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP), developed by Dave Studeman from ...



    最後,各位讀者只需要透過此處連結,就可以看到2021年MLB所有投手的樞紐xFIP儀表板,歡迎使用查詢,其他功能也會在未來慢慢擴充。使用時只要點擊排名差異 ...

    xFIP在[分享] 日本職棒xFIP- 排行- 看板Baseball - 批踢踢實業坊的討論與評價

    xFIP 解釋https://www.sportsv.net/articles/682?page=2#article_top 會影響投手防禦率的因素很多,守備跟球場都有所以FIP就是只計算投手可以決定的 ...

    xFIP在Examining xFIP in Fantasy Baseball - Bleacher Report的討論與評價

    xFIP (Expected Fielding Independent Pitching)—This is an experimental stat that adjusts and “normalizes” the home run component. Research has shown that home ...

    xFIP在MLB Advanced Stats: What is FIP/xFIP? - Action Network的討論與評價

    In addition to FIP, there's a similar statistic called xFIP, which stands for Expected Fielding Independent Pitching. Like FIP, xFIP serves as a ...

    xFIP在xFIP vs ERA: The Players to Target and the Guys to Avoid的討論與評價

    xFIP, or expected fielding independent pitching, estimates a pitcher's performance based solely on events within his control - strikeouts, ...

    xFIP在What are FIP and xFIP? - StatCorner.com的討論與評價

    FIP stands for Fielding Independent Pitching, and xFIP stands for Expected Fielding Independent Pitching. For decades, ERA was the standard measure of pitcher ...

    xFIP在3/4 T-4305 NO LEAD PAK XFIP C - In Wedowee, AL的討論與評價

    3/4 T-4305 NO LEAD PAK XFIP C ... Water service fitting. T-4305. No lead. Pack joint x FIP coupling. Tube compression (CTS) x FIP.

    xFIP的PTT 評價、討論一次看
